
FACTA--Ireland and Caymens on board to TAX THE RICH --no more offshore bank accounts?

Barflytom1/21/2013 10:55:37 pm PST

Btw ggt, you got the acronym wrong; it’s FATCA, not FACTA.

FATCA (T), geddit ? Another demonstration of how childish and vindictive the dems have become.

There are so many examples of how damaging it is to investment and economic growth to keep demonizing the “rich”, it’s hard to avoid the conclusion that the dems just don’t care how much they damage the economy, as long as their vile class warfare rhetoric keeps getting them re-elected.

And if any of you lefty losers think a million bucks makes someone “rich” these days, then you’re even more out of touch than I realised. Try moving to London or Switzerland with just that amount of capital - you’d barely qualify as middle class.