
And Again: "Active Shooting Situation" at Colorado High School

Killgore Trout12/13/2013 1:29:27 pm PST

Kansas Man Charged With Trying to Explode Bomb at Airport

The complaint said Loewen left a letter dated Dec. 11 that said, “By the time you read this I will — if everything went as planned — have been martyred in the path of Allah.” It said he added, “I expect to be called a terrorist (which I am), a psychopath and a homicidal maniac.” \
In October, the complaint said, the FBI official asked if Loewen would be willing to plant “some type of device.”

“Am I interested? Yes,” Loewen responded, according to the complaint. “I still need time to think about it, but I can’t imagine anything short of arrest stopping me.”