
Video: Samantha Bee on Sessions's Southern-Fried SnoozeFest

Sir John Barron6/15/2017 1:37:41 pm PDT

re: #26 ObserverArt

This memo from the NSA is going to be the straw that broke Trump’s fat ass.

I don’t think all the details have come out about it fully. I believe the real truth was exposed in the closed testimony sessions last week and then this was given to Mueller and then it comes out that Mueller is now investigating Trump for obstruction.

All they had to do is take that memo, add it to what Comey said and also what apparently Coats added and a clear pattern of obstruction was coming clear.

The old “The lady doth protest too much, methinks” from Hamlet routine that belies your actual sincerity is going to cost him and the GOP party.

But since they all prove they have no understanding of Shakespeare they do not know they are going down this very path unaware of their undoing. It has only been in the play since the 1600s!

Yeah but HRC smashed illegal phones illegally.
