
And Now for "Something Helpful" Courtesy of Anna Meredith [VIDEO]

dnlS3/20/2020 7:51:15 pm PDT

Worldometer at almost 20k in US. Assuming our sub 2 day doubling moves to 3 then 4 days/doubling or better once semi quarantine/shelter in place start to have an effect, we still have 3 doublings before the end of the month. This does not account for all the recently infected (spring break/EU travel ban/packed airports) that will not start showing symptoms (and going to hospital or being tested) or the increased testing which will likely keep the ‘doubling’ in the

That is 160K (3 doublings) or 320K (4 doublings). Shit is being jet streamed into the fan. This is why shit needs to be shut down, yesterday.