
Overnight Open Thread

jaunte2/21/2009 10:30:04 pm PST

One more Clarke comment on creationists:

“I have encountered a few “creationists” and because they were usually nice, intelligent people, I have been unable to decide whether they were really mad, or only pretending to be mad. If I was a religious person, I would consider creationism nothing less than blasphemy. Do its adherents imagine that God is a cosmic hoaxer who has created that whole vast fossil record for the sole purpose of misleading mankind?

And, although I do not necessarily agree with paleontologist Teilhard de Chardin’s advocacy of evolution as a proof of the glory of God, de Chardin’s attitude is both logical and inspiring. A creator who laid the foundations for the entire future at the beginning of time is far more awesome than a clumsy tinkerer who constantly modifies his creations and throws away entire species in the process.”

And now, goodnight all.