
Overnight Ocean

iceweasel12/01/2009 1:16:57 am PST

Pam’s House Blend.

It’s up to nearly 600 comments at the time of this post, and I hate to break it to Mr. Johnson, but the Goldwater conservatives and moderates have been put six feet under by the theocrats and know-nothings. I don’t know how you can wrest the GOP back from the crazies. I am under no illusion that Charles Johnson is now progressive or agrees with the Obama admin on policy (heaven knows we have enough beefs with the admin); I actually feel for him.

These low-brow conservatives that coo over Palin, Glenn Beck and Rush are sheep — no critical thinking whatsoever, in denial about how they are shilling for policies that hurt them, instead they focus on blaming on the “other” — that doesn’t look like them, worship like them, believe in reproductive freedom or isn’t heterosexual. With fumes that weak, how can that movement sustain itself? It’s an incredible feat.