
Michele Bachmann (R-Mars) Refuses to Admit She Was Wrong About Founding Fathers

elizajane6/28/2011 11:03:35 am PDT

I think that the press in general needs to stop harping on her minor historical errors and start looking at her major policy ideas.

Playing the “she’s another dumb bimbo like Palin” could really backfire. Like calling her a flake — it gets people riled up, and it looks sexist, and it could make Republican women really, really angry at the media. Why is the media doing this, when her actual genuine statements about politics are so toxic? She should be taken seriously, because to take her seriously would be to expose the worst of the worst on the Right. Misstatements about John Wayne are nothing that hasn’t been equalled by Obama and Biden, really.

I’ve been as guilty of this as anybody, but I’m starting to dislike the culture of politics by mockery. The governmental issues at stake are way too serious.