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Killgore Trout11/29/2012 8:14:40 am PST

New Egypt charter to keep sharia as ‘main’ source of law

Egypt’s constituent assembly retained on Thursday the principles of Islamic law as the main source of law, as it rushed through the approval process over objections from an opposition that argues more time is needed.
Article 2 states that “Islam is the state religion, and the Arabic language is its official language. The principles of Islamic sharia are the main source of legislation.”

A still unagreed Article 219 seeks to explain the clause on Islamic law in terms of Sunni Muslim jurisprudence.

Hardline Islamists known as Salafists had initially wanted stronger language in Article 2, but in the end supported the final wording.

I think Article 219 is the one to watch. If there end up being a panel of appointed clerics to oversee and approve legislation it going to be a big problem.