
Flaw Found in Key Method for Protecting Data on the Internet

Justanotherhuman4/09/2014 10:03:54 am PDT

re: #298 Lidane

So an update on my interviews yesterday. I ended up settling on a pencil skirt and heels and short sleeved blouse. Dressy-ish, but not full on business suit. My feet and legs hurt like hell when it was all over and I was home, but it was worth it. They weren’t kidding about the casual office, though. Every person I saw had some variation of the hipster uniform of jeans and a cardigan on. Lots of people in Chucks, even among the women. I’d definitely have no problem with this. I’d be comfortable at least. Hah.

The first part was a conversation/interview with two of the senior research analysts I’d be working with. The third one is on maternity leave until next week, but I guess they figured that meeting two out of three ain’t bad. That was mostly an informal getting to know you conversation, and it went pretty well. They both seemed to like me, which is good.

The second part was a face to face conversation with the hiring VP that I spoke to a few weeks back. When we first met, he asked if I’d seen my grad school classmate who also works at the company. I said no, that I’d arrived for the interview and figured I’d see her on my way out. He then took me to her cubicle to say hi to her first, which I’m taking as a good sign. He made it clear that the position won’t be glamorous and will have moments of eyeball sporking tedium, but I told him I was going in eyes open, and that I was willing to work. We got along, I think. We had a pretty easy exchange.

The last part was a simple test of my research and Excel skills. I flew through the research bit, and the senior analyst who was supervising me even called it early. She said I’d proven I knew what I was doing. The Excel part had me figuring out that their instructions were impossible to complete the way they were written. You could do most of the exercises easily, but the last part wasn’t possible. I went back to the start with the default document and showed her step by step where the problem was. I’m pretty sure it was an unspoken test, since it’s such an obvious thing that they would’ve known. I walked out with her telling me she thought I was awesome and that I understood the role and what they were looking for. She also said she really liked me and that she’d put in a good word.

Now all that’s left is a phone interview on Thursday. If that guy likes me I could well end up with a job soon. :D

Congratulations! I think you probably have the job. : )

But I can’t believe how long it is taking and how much you’ve had to go through so far. It had better be worth it!