
Pamela Geller: Obama 'Stood With' the 9/11 Hijackers

Mad Prophet Ludwig8/15/2010 2:05:18 pm PDT

re: #285 Spare O’Lake

How about the time when you wanted to commit mass murder against the AGW deniers?

Well funny you mention that asshole.

I love the chance to be specific, just like I was on that very thread.

I was talking about the people in power who are blocking any action of AGW legislation. I made it clear then and I will make it clear again.

Those people, the corporate propagandists and their pet politicians are doing their best to insure the collapse of our ation and teh deaths of billions.

I said, quite correctly that they should be tried for crimes against humanity and executed.

Certainly you would agree that a mass murderer who sets a time bomb in a public place ought to be executed. Certainly, you would agree that A mass murderer who set a time bomb that slowly released a poison gas which slowly poisoned millions should be tried for crimes against humanity and executed right?

Do you think the lethality from the consequences of the concentrations of CO2 and methane we are creating will not kill millions? Yet these people are dedicated to seeing that it happens.

Should ones who want this to happen not be considered criminals?

Were the heat waves in India or Pakistan not sufficient for you? What of the failed Russian crops? This is just the start of the process getting really bad. Much worse is in store.

Do those who want to bring this on human civilization across the planet get a pass?

This is not hyperbole. This isnot just what I am saying. Tese cause and effect consequences are verified by the legitimate scientific community and at this point, millions of man years of data collection.

Just as setting a timer on a bomb in a crowded market will murder, so will this. Only this effects everyone.

So quote me and my thoughts correctly douche bag.