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Killgore Trout1/05/2013 10:28:48 am PST

Al Jazeera PR offensive targets Fox, Pro-Israel American media….

Will Americans ever get to see Al Jazeera?

…Fox News has a habit of not letting facts get in the way of its coverage, reporting that many Americans “feel” it’s a terrorist network perhaps because Al Jazeera to them, idiotically, sounds like al-Qaeda (and because this “feeling” is always being reinforced by bombastic pundits who are scoring political points, not making factual statements). There is no evidence to support this claim.

So once again, Fox’s smears and aversion to the truth misrepresents the situation. So, what is behind the knee-jerk reaction by Time Warner?

Can it have to do with the business Time Warner does with Israel, a country that, incidentally, allows reporters from Al Jazeera to work there and broadcast their reports?

When it owned AOL, Time Warner was active in an Israeli business.

Time Warner has been very friendly to Israel with top executives aligned with Israeli charities and fundraisers, and some correspondents accused of bias. CNN’s Wolf Blitzer of the Situation Room once ran the Israeli lobby group AIPAC, but the charges that CNN has slanted the news is disputed and has become part of the larger debate about the pro-Israel orientation of almost all US TV outlets.

They know their target audience. Also on the front page of Al Jazeera today is MJ Rosenberg’s endorsement of Hagel.