
New Music From KNOWER: "Different Lives"

Yeah Sure WhatEVs6/25/2020 10:14:49 am PDT

re: #291 stpaulbear

Thanks! Last day of work is July 7. July 8 is going to feel very strange.

On July 20, I have to be available for federal jury duty for two months. I’m hoping that all jury trials are on hold but I’m having trouble finding any info about it. Hoping my age and heart meds will get me excused.

I’m pretty iffy about whether it’s safe to travel yet - even within the state.

After I got shit canned, I felt weird for about a week. Now… Fuck man, I am enjoying life.

I’m thinking of starting a gourmet dog bakery from my house (there are none where I’m at). I’m Doing stuff I love.

For me, I hadn’t realized how shitty I had been feeling for months.

You can now do as much or as little as you desire. Enjoy it!!!