
Bad Craziness Watch: Glenn Beck Fans and Swine Flu Conspiracies

historyrider4/27/2009 11:07:38 am PDT

GLENN: Right, right. Well, Tammy, I want to thank you for being somebody who ‑‑ and Insiders and people who have been listening to this program for a long time. Tell me the last time that I got a complaint that we were taking things too lightly. I think we’ve done our job. Tammy, thank you very much for your phone call. If you’d like information on it, I’ve had my team, my research team last night, I wrote them about 4:00 yesterday afternoon and I said, I want a comprehensive Web page on everything that you would need to know about the swine flu, what you need to do, who you need to see, what it means, what the history is of it, absolutely everything you could possibly want to know on one Web page. You can find it at the front page of You click on any of the stories about the swine flu. You’ll see the breakout map, you’ll see where it is, you’ll see the news stories, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen ‑‑ there’s like twenty of them, and you can look at all of the different stories there. I’m also doing a full hour tonight on the swine flu. It’s swine flu 101, and it’s don’t panic, just know all of the things that are happening right now and know the history of pandemics. Could this be it? Yes. Could t his be over by Friday? Yep. Until we know what it is, I just have enough stress in my life. I got enough. I’ve got enough stuff that’s real. Is this real? We don’t know. So what do we do? Well, I could get on the air and do what everybody always complains, “Oh, you’re taking out too ‑‑ you’re blowing it out…” or I could get on the air and give you all of the facts and, you know, if this thing gets serious, this will be the last time we’re laughing about it. Might as well laugh while we can, gang. If this ain’t it, great. If it is, sucks to be us. So thanks for your phone call.

Taken from his website: fairly self-explanatory as far as perspective.