
Deplorable: 69-Year Old Woman Punched in the Face by Trump Supporter at Asheville NC Rally

lawhawk9/13/2016 5:25:23 pm PDT

This is not going to end well:

Jr. uses his daughter? Yeah, that’s some serious class. It’s also completely misguided, and opens the door to a whole lot of heartache for that kid.

She doesn’t deserve it.

She also doesn’t deserve her dad to have trot her out like a prop.

She doesn’t deserve her dad using her as a foil to Clinton’s deplorables comment, because it also proves Clinton’s point - there’s no level too low for Trump to stoop to.

Moreover, if Jr. is indoctrinating his kids to think like Donny Littlefinger, then she too will eventually become part of the problem. And yes - that means she’ll become one of the deplorables unless she chooses a different path.