
Video: President Obama and VP Biden Unveil Proposals to Reduce Gun Violence

Killgore Trout1/16/2013 11:18:38 am PST

re: #13 lawhawk

Of the recommendations, the universal background checks is something that could potentially see the light of day as well as some of the mental health provisions.

While the attention is on AWB, the overwhelming majority of homicides and suicides are carried out with handguns, which aren’t being treated by a AWB. The mental health provisions could potentially reduce the suicide rates and crimes by the mentally ill, and that by itself would be a significant achievement. How it gets done - respecting the privacy and rights of the mentally ill is a challenge, but one that can be overcome.

I agree. I’m less impressed with the assault weapons ban. I don’t object to it but I’m not sure if it’s going to be effective in reducing violence.
For me the biggest missing puzzle piece is reducing handgun crime in cities like Chicago, DC, LA, etc. If I’m not mistaken these types of crimes make up the vast majority or gun crimes but it seems to be the least discussed part of the problem.