
George Will Misrepresents Climate Change Study

Slumbering Behemoth Stinks2/21/2009 2:18:11 pm PST

re: #268 Jimmah

Interesting. Thanks for the link.

Triton is a simpler subject than Earth for studying the causes and effects of global warming. “It’s generally true around the solar system that when we try to understand a problem as complex as global warming — one in which we can’t control the variables — the more extreme cases we have to study, the more we can become sure of certain factors,” Elliot said. “With Triton, we can clearly see the changes because of its simple, thin atmosphere.”

The moon is approaching an extreme southern summer, a season that occurs every few hundred years. During this special time, the moon’s southern hemisphere receives more direct sunlight. The equivalent on Earth would be having the sun directly overhead at noon north of Lake Superior during a northern summer.

Elliot and his colleagues believe that Triton’s temperature has increased because of indications that the pressure of the atmosphere has increased. Because of the unusually strong correlation between Triton’s surface ice temperature and its atmospheric pressure, Elliot said scientists can infer a temperature increase of 3 degrees Fahrenheit over nine years based on its recent increase in surface vapor pressure. Any ice on Triton that warms up a little results in a big increase in atmospheric pressure as the vaporized gas joins the atmosphere.