
Overnight Open Thread

Throbert McGee9/26/2009 7:05:09 am PDT

Sorry to snap at you, IceWeasel — I’m not defending wahabicorridor’s “flounce,” because I don’t know whether her reasons were honorable or not. But I’m not attacking her for it, either, because as exits go, hers was at least fairly restrained and quite refreshingly concise, compared to some of the windy manifestos others have posted.

On the other hand, though I haven’t talked to her much in recent years, I respected her well enough back in ye olden times (pre-Rathergate) that it upsets me to see people going out of their way to find fault over something that really isn’t that big a deal and wasn’t necessarily intended as a hostile gesture (namely, that she neglected to delegate responsibility for the prayer list to someone else when she chose to start distancing herself from LGF — it could’ve been a simple oversight).