
Video: Samantha Bee's Excellent Tribute to the Women's March

Flying Squirrel Girl1/27/2017 9:41:22 am PST

Yesterday I was chatting with my aunt on a FB thread when someone neither of us know (who we later determined was a friend of my cousin’s) posted, “I’m a deplorable and I LOVE what Trump is doing!” My aunt responded with, “Don’t you care that the president is playing politics with people lives by taking away their healthcare?” I responded to both of them, “Look at Kenny’s glee! He loves the fact that Trump is sticking it to muslims, immigrants, libtards. Kenny doesn’t care that he will also lose his healthcare, he just wants to taunt us.”

Then my aunt checked Kenny’s profile. Kenny works for the DA’s office. We both started in on him, asking if trolling strangers on FB was the best use of taxpayer money. We told Kenny maybe his boss would like to know how he spent his time. Kenny’s response: “Wow.”

Then Kenny deleted all of his comments.