
'Burn a Koran Day' Pastors Let the N Word Flow

Mad Prophet Ludwig8/31/2010 4:47:33 pm PDT

re: #291 theheat

I passed it, but the only value in doing so was to graduate. I remember getting to school an hour early every day for private study to learn what other kids had already mastered a year or two before. I had zero retention, and numbers meant nothing to me. The only way I made it was by being tested immediately following study, because none of it stuck to my brain. I have a kryptonite brain where numbers are concerned.

Oddly enough, I haven’t used algebra since high school. I look back on the whole experience with miserable feelings. I fucking hate algebra.

That said, I understand why you think people with certified achievements should vote, but I don’t believe it’s realistic, and potentially denies everyone a voice. Yes, even the People of Wal-Mart have a voice. I hate their voice, but they have it, and it’s their own.

That’s fine. Just understand that if those people win when it comes to delaying AGW legislation, you will pay for your generosity of spirit with the lives of your children and the fate of your nation.

I personally am repelled that the actions of utter morons are impacting my life so badly. It saddens and sickens me to think that history and science have come to a place where the actions of drooling rednecks will wipe out all memory of Beethoven, Mozart and democracy. It sickens me that their stupidity and our generosity with it, will cause a new dark age.

If there were no consequences to this I would be much more live and let live.

But there are consequences, and knowingly or not, they are not living and letting live.

Their right to voice their stupid opinions as facts does not outweigh humanity’s right to have a livable planet.