
Racist Doc Appears As 'Expert' on Glenn Beck Show

TedStriker10/18/2009 1:13:26 pm PDT

re: #313 ralphieboy

Fox will just offer documentedproof that Dr. McKallip has let black people use his bathroom at some point…

The sad part is that the bone-in-the-nose imagery is not only racist and tasteless, it is overkill, a photoshop of Obama in most any other pose (a doctor’s gown, etc) would’ve sufficed along with the hammer and sickle to get the point across without dragging it down to such an abysmal level

McKallip was throwing red meat out to the Stormfront crowd, guaranteed…his ass isn’t sorry he did it, he’s only sorry so many saw it for what it really is and went “WTF?!?!”