
Twitter CEO Dick Costolo: 'We Suck at Dealing With Abuse'

Varek Raith2/05/2015 4:02:09 am PST

re: #20 Kragar

I tried watching one or two of the CSI shows on Netflix and honestly, I just can’t bring myself to watch them. The sheer ridiculousness of them is just overwhelming.

“Yes, I’m the on duty crime scene photographer. Why else would I show up in a city park at 3:00 am wearing a power dress worth more than I would reasonably make in a month and heels so I can traipse around in the mud? Don’t worry, I’ll be able to enhance this photo, then we can digitize it and we’ll be able to triangulate the location of a victim based on cut and paste/drag and dropping from a JPG into a map program.”

For the love of fuck people, how the hell did this shit make it on air?

And their crime labs with hundreds of thousands in equipment that no real lab has. Not to mention the fantasy gadgets and software.