
Trump Rages on Twitter About Being Investigated for Obstruction of Justice, Thus Confirming WaPo Report

A Mom Anon6/15/2017 11:00:58 am PDT

You know, I was ALMOST shocked that fucking Hannity did his show from the baseball diamond where the shooting occurred yesterday. Until I remembered his disgusting display outside the hospice where Terri Schaivo was in a vegetative state while these assholes used her as a pawn for politics. Was the blood still there Sean? Did you roll in it you fucking ghoul?

Yeah, I’m not a violent person, but I will be damned if they’re going to shut me up with cried of how violent and mean liberals are. ESPECIALLY after all the shit they pulled while W was in office and the crap they threw at the Obama family. Fuck them all with rusty farm implements. Gently of course.