
Seth Meyers on Trump's Unhinged Attacks on Mueller and McCabe, and the Facebook/Cambridge Analytica Scandal

Yeah Sure WhatEVs3/20/2018 3:01:26 pm PDT

re: #30 Anymouse 🌹

Leaving out the issues of the Presidential Records Act, Proton Mail is not “specifically designed to circumvent the law.” It is designed to be private (unlike services like Gmail, which scan your text to feed you targeted adverts).

Is is used to circumvent the law? Probably. For a long time police and the GOP have argued that private encryption should not be allowed (presumably so they can circumvent the law, as in required to get a warrant).

Even with my wife’s server, I do not keep E-mail (though I am not a White House staffer either). Anything I am not presently working with I delete.

Mail which goes in or out of Proton Mail to another service is not encrypted - it can be read on the other end. It is only encrypted within the system.

You can set other services to auto-delete messages as well (Snapchat is famous for that).

You cannot “leave aside” the Presidential Records Act. That is the whole point of the problem. What you and your wife do with your email has nothing to do with there PRA. What they do in the White House does.