
Stories, Feat. The Incredible Lawrence Siblings: "That Thing You Do"

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus11/08/2021 6:41:26 pm PST

re: #18 Charles Johnson

Often here I have whined about the lack of ideological exposition from Democratic leaders.

Let me explain “ideological” - a set of ideas that form a worldview by which people can weigh choices and decisions.

I don’t want ranting ideologues.

But we do need leaders who can clearly articulate an ideology for America in the 21st century.

And what this does not mean is just empty praise and pablum.

We need leaders who will argue for why we need to adhere to certain ideas, or throw other ideas to the wayside.

I would love for Biden to be able to give a short (10 minute) speech on why democracy is preferable over a strong-man, on why democracy means helping people to vote, not trying to hinder people from voting.

Also, I’d like some direct language on how destructive and self-centered the ideas spouted by the likes of the Sen. Kennedy and Cong. Gosar will hurt you, the average Americans.

But I won’t hold my breath because I know Biden is a mechanic who works in quiet. He’s so old school that many of the talking heads on media can’t relate to what he’s doing. Nor can they explain it to the Americans who still watch or listen to the old media.