
GOP Pushing Mandatory Invasive Ultrasound Legislation in Pennsylvania Too

lawhawk2/21/2012 11:37:38 am PST

Pennsylvania - the same state where they couldn’t be bothered to actually enforce the laws on the books to shut down illegal abortions carried out by Gosnell (they caught him only after a completely separate investigation into running a pill mill exposed investigators into illegal 3d trimester abortions, lack of sanitary practices, and potentially killing several women in botched abortions).

Instead, they’re going to impose invasive and costly procedures that serve no purpose other than to further shame women who are seeking to access a still legal medical procedure.

I can’t seem to come up with an equivalent procedure for men, but perhaps this will do - if men want cialis or viagra, they must undergo a mandatory prostate examination. It’s about as invasive as one can figure, with the same level of medical necessity (which is to say pretty much nil), but costly and only serves to dissuade anyone from the procedure/drug.