
Alex Jones Says Aurora Shooting Was Staged By Obama

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines7/20/2012 9:35:19 pm PDT

The UN Small Arms Treaty has the conspiracist right in a righteous froth.

They are morons, utterly innocent of either logic or knowledge.
Snopes has the real scoop.

To begin with, no treaty, even if signed and ratified, could supercede the US Constitution. It’s, er, unconstitutional.
Secondly, the proposed treaty would only govern the international sale and trafficking of small arms. Perhaps the conspira-liars don’t know what “international” means.
If their conspircist pidgin logic were correct, Obama could outlaw the Republican Party simply by getting his UN cronies to cook up a suitable treaty. I would support a UN treaty to outlaw reality TV, btw, but that won’t work either.