
Overnight Open Thread

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)7/24/2011 5:53:41 am PDT

re: #316 researchok

The ideology of the Quakers has not produced terrorists. True.

They only produce supporters of terrorists who espouse racism, bigotry and calls to genocide.

But they don’t. They support only peaceful protests. They don’t support calls for genocide, at all. That’s simply a false claim.

The never pull the trigger. They just do the paperwork. By the way, Islam has no formal structure, either.

Yes. Which is why you can’t say that “Muslims” support anything.

There are differences in ideologies of course, but any ideology can serve as a vehicle- even Solidarity.


Some ideologies function much better as vehicles for psychopaths than others.

In the end, any ideology can trigger violence.

Some of them trigger violence much more often than others.