
And Now, True Facts About Carnivorous Plants, From Zefrank

JordanRules5/09/2018 5:30:23 am PDT

re: #320 Anymouse 🌹

There is a difference.

Some crank pouring out Mimeographed newsletters, a dipwad running a pirate shortwave radio station, or a fringe group with a limited-circulation newsletter only reached a small number of like-minded cranks.

Social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube &c allows you to have worldwide coverage for your crankery instantly. The lack of moderation by those platforms (because it cuts into profits to remove cranks) makes it far worse.

Where are the things that came after all the old tech you mentioned and before the social media?
Websites, chatrooms, blogs, email blasts and newsletters etc had the same reach.