
In Which Donald Trump Praises the US Military for "Taking Over the Airports" ... In the War of 1812

Old Liberal7/05/2019 1:46:39 pm PDT

Nixon tampered with Vietnamese peace talks to win in 1968. Killed hundreds is thousands.
Nixon ordered breakins and funded dirty tricks and lied about secret peace plan for 1972.
Reagan tampered with Iran to win in 1980. Went full racist. Authorized Iran contra and numerous evil CIA actions. Promoted Iraq/Iran continuation. Killed hundreds of thousands including AIDS denial.
George Bush I signaled to Iraq to take Kuwait. He lied about knowing nothing about Iran Contra.
George Bush II cheated in multiple states and was handled the presidency by a corrupt court. Lied about WMD and killed hundreds of thousands. Cheated again in 2004. Like all before had numerous officials indicted and resigned.
This is what republicans do. Always have, always will.