
Seth Meyers: Trump's Disastrous ABC Town Hall Was, of Course, Filled With Lies

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines9/17/2020 10:01:55 am PDT

re: #312 Shiplord Kirel: Fan of USPS, Goodyear, and Oreo

Accusing one’s enemies of desperation is a familiar trope in modern rhetoric. Too bad, because the accelerating craziness we see from Barr looks like the real thing: The guy is terrified of Cheeto losing. This is way beyond hoping for more grift, or the chance to create a fascist regime. I think he is looking at hard time when the facts come out.

If you look at the real world logistics of murdering Epstein and faking his suicide, it is just this side of impossible, but the AG just might be the one person who could pull it off. Among other things, it would require access to sensitive personnel information (to determine which guards might be corruptible) and even more sensitive information on prison routines, shift changes, and security precautions. It would likely also require good political connections to find a donor who could be relied on to provide the cash for bribes, no questions asked.