
Dylann Storm Roof's Website Discovered, With White Supremacist Manifesto and Photos

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines6/20/2015 4:29:40 pm PDT

Time again for Tennessee Ernie Ford’s rousing rendition of the iconic Union marching song.

While we are marching through Georgia - Tennessee Ernie Ford

Sherman made good on his promise to make Georgia howl and many of them are howling to this day. Any mention of Sherman’s March will drive secesh apologists and Confederate zombies into a frothing rage; a response I count as a bonus. They have consequently bestirred themselves to infest the comments for this video in force. There are plenty of loyalist commenters to counter the rebel invective, lies, and delusions though. People are waking up, it is time to consign the “Lost Cause” to the dustbin of history, along with witch burning, the divine right of kings, and phlogiston theory.

Btw, Ernie Ford was born and reared in the Union stronghold of Bristol County.