
Muslim Brotherhood Calls for 'Maximum Jihad'

Ayatollah Ghilmeini1/03/2009 4:09:02 pm PST

Where Were You?

Where were you 63 years ago when the Jews of Warsaw rallied around Mordicai Anielewicz and organized a last stand with a few stolen hand grenades and pistols? You were silent or cheering for the Red Army even though Stalin’s embrace of Hitler precipitated the war. If you were like most Palestinians and Arabs, you prayed for Hitler’s victory, cheered the Mufti of Jerusalem on when he called for Hitler not to spare the children and raised a Muslim division of the Waffen SS.

Where were you in 2002 when a suicide bomber a day was blowing up Israelis? You were writing letters to the Guardian saying force would not stop the bombing, only giving over our security to Arafat would. Then Sharon sent in the guns, you called Jenin a war crime, never corrected that lie and never admitted that putting up a fence stopped 99%+ of the suicide attacks. Force worked.

Where were you when a rocket a day was being shot over Israel’s recognized border by a terror group whose charter explicitly calls for the finishing Hitler’s work?

And where were you when thousands of rockets a day with specially adapted ball bearing warheads exploded in the cities of Israel in 2006? Oh how you decried Israel’s “war crimes.” Hezbollah paraded old ambulances and a few liars and you ate it up right along with the staged pictures of people playing dead while Hezbollah operatives paraded with dead children (another war real crime about which you are silent) and then never remarked how less than 1% of Israel’s sorties resulted in civilian casualties. That you could never do, admit Israel minimizes casualties and fights war humanely nor do you ever display pictures of Hezbollah doing the Hitler salute.

Where were you when Hamas destroyed Palestinian democracy and threw Fatah officials from the tops of tall buildings with their hands tied behind their backs? Silent.

Where were you when Hamas broadcast calls to annihilate Israel and children’s programs with a genocidal blood libeling mouse? Silent.

Where were you when Samir Kuntar was released for a few mutilated bodies? Being silent about Kuntar’s murders, and prisoners Gilad Shalit and Ron Arad (imprisoned now 26 years!)

And just where were you when al Jazeerah, held a birthday party, (a birthday party!) for this same man who broke open the skull of a four year old with his bare hands? Somehow you stay silent. You do focus on defending the Mohamed al Dura blood libel against all challenges to its veracity. You say you just oppose Zionism but the only way you seem to oppose it is in ways that Jews die.

And where were you when a Hamas Jihadi shot his way into a school and gunned down seven teenagers? Writing letters decrying the fact the soldier who stopped the gunman didn’t arrest him but shot him dead; you wanted another Kuntar to free later.

Where were you when Hamas fired rockets (or had their plausibly deniable proxies) into Sderot for the last four years?

It does not matter where you are, you are morally blind to the point it does not matter. In your blindness, you are so indifferent to Jewish existence, we must to do what Anielewicz taught us: fight, or you will surely kill us all. Since that is your morality, we must follow ours. The moral code that has gotten us through 3600 years and is the basis for all modern legal systems. We will do what it takes for us to survive. We hear your slander with your accusations of genocide- well try this number: 99% of all Gaza Palestinians will survive this war. And we will remind when you accuse us of mimicking Hitler’s crimes, that 80% of Europe’s Jews, in no small part to your silent complicity, perished under Hitler.

You are where you have always been; doing what you always do. You aren’t sorry when a Jew dies. We can’t change what you have in your heart but we can choose what we have in our hands: unlike 1943’s all but defenseless heroes, we have guns and know how to use them. The Jews have guns! And we know where your heart is and what we must do if we want to live.

Believe in the Victory!