
A Bill to Let Big Government Set Your Salary

Josephine3/31/2009 10:23:06 am PDT

Has this ever been done by the United States government?

Is there a model anywhere that we can look at?

It sounds like union contracts in these companies (if any are unionized) would be rendered null and void but is that legal?

How can the government give the money without those strings attached and then later change the terms of the agreement?

In providing funding for these companies, did the U.S. become co-owners of them all? How else can they assume the right to nullify and rewrite employee contracts and evaluate job performance?

It’s so weird because government-funded workplaces in Canada, at least, tend to be the most unionized and, therefore, the least dependent on workplace performance for setting salary ranges and raises.

The government would have to create a huge, expensive bureaucracy to administer this program.

I hope this bill doesn’t pass.