
Melanie Phillips Takes a Wrong Turn on 'Intelligent Design' Creationism

Wild Knight5/03/2009 3:59:05 pm PDT

I’ve got a story for Charles and it makes me really heavy-hearted to recount it. I’ve got friends from the very upper-crust of English society. It is a family so ancient that Burke’s peerage notes simply that they were “nobilis ante conquestum”. Think Brideshead and you’ve got. Now, although they come from a long line of recusants they are absolutely irreligious. They’ve all had the kind of education which comes with their class and have extremely sober jobs in finance and academia. Well, one night, recently, having heard that the whole family had returned home from London, I popped by at their house for an evening of booze and tobacco. Out of the blue, I don’t know how, the topic of evolution came around. Believe me, I could only attend in astonishment as they denied evolution and produced a whole host of arguments against it - underpinning their position by claiming that life on earth originated from an alien intelligence. They were dead serious. To say that I was stunned is an understatment. It is beginning to appear to me that this insanity is not specifically linked to religion if even non-believers get bitten by the bug. It is evident that the fundamental problem lies with decades of extremely poor education and the gullibility attendant upon such poor education. At this stage, I am ready to believe that this “intelligent design” malaise has roots that go far deeper than left vs right, believers vs. non-believers. The whole problem lies with the rotten core of an education that has been hijacked by Marxists professors of pedagogy whose only concern is to undermine “elitist” subjects and methodologies. This is the harvest we’re sowing.