
Overnight Open Thread

researchok7/24/2011 6:05:46 am PDT

re: #320 Obdicut

The ideology of the Quakers has not produced terrorists. True.

But they don’t. They support only peaceful protests. They don’t support calls for genocide, at all. That’s simply a false claim.

Yes. Which is why you can’t say that “Muslims” support anything.


Some ideologies function much better as vehicles for psychopaths than others.

Some of them trigger violence much more often than others.

Quakers supported the Gaza Flotilla (organized by Turkish Islamists allied with Hamas and Hizbollah)

They also supported Pol Pot, referring to him as “the example of an alternative model of development and social organization.” They also supported the Khmer Rouge.

They supported International Solidarity Movement co-founder Ghassan Andoni and nominated him for a Nobel Peace Prize.

Also, as I have noted many times today, one could easily argue leftist ideologies are far more deadly than the CJ movement the lunatic in Oslo aligned himself wth