
Right Wing Blog Illustrates Post About Sandra Fluke with "Semen Demon" Pic

goddamnedfrank3/03/2012 10:21:02 pm PST

Mitt Romney is such a piece of shit:

“Her first deployment, she never once said ‘I want to come home,’” Chura said of her daughter, who has been in the Army for more than three years. “This deployment has been extremely hard, not only for her, but for my husband and I. Every email, every time we Skype, we hear ‘I want to come home now’. There is no mission here. We have no definition of a mission.”

Romney jumped on Chura’s complaint and attacked Obama on the war. “If your daughter is not familiar with the mission that she’s on, how in the world can the commander in chief sleep at night, knowing that we have soldiers in harm’s way that don’t know exactly, precisely, what it is that they’re doing there?” he asked.

Obama campaign spokeswoman Lis Smith said that the under Obama’s leadership, “we are decimating al-Qaeda” and the Afghans are preparing to take over their own security. She said Romney “has failed to outline any plan at all for what he would do in Afghanistan and has even made clear that he would leave our troops there indefinitely.”

So Mitt sits there with his smug bullshit face and falsely claims to a grieving mother that Obama shouldn’t be able to sleep at night knowing that her daughter is in confusion as to her mission in Afghanistan. Meanwhile Romney’s opposed every timetable for pullout, both there and in Iraq where Obama got us out. While Romney has not only refused to articulate his own sense of mission for continued occupation, he has made it clear that he’s committed to leaving our troops in harms way forever. What a hypocritical, lying sack of goddamned trash, politically preying on the exact sense of misery his own stated policy is guaranteed to exacerbate if he’s elected.