
Buzzfeed: Top Trump Cabinet Members Have "Suicide Pact" to Prevent Trump From Firing Them

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines10/04/2017 7:33:32 pm PDT

re: #320 TedStriker

Don’t forget about the fight for civil rights happening in that same period, because, once all men (and women) were supposed to be equal under the law, gun-fucking racists and bigots would want to make sure they kept the edge.

That’s who took over the NRA.

Knowing the history and something about the personalities involved, especially Harlon Carter, I tend to favor the Civil Rights explanation. I can remember white bigots being terrified that blacks would rampage out of control once the Civil Rights Act of 1964 removed all restraint. “It won’t be safe for a white woman to walk down the street!” was a popular refrain.