
About That DHS Report on Right-Wing Extremism

Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion4/14/2009 12:34:13 pm PDT

I’ll repost what I said in the overnight thread after looking the PDF file over.

…if it is real, what I got out of it is this:

DHS and law enforcement officials should be concerned with possible domestic terrorism because political & economic conditions now, are very much like they were in the 90s when recruitment in militia and white-supremacist groups began to swell. In the 90s we had the Post-Cold War recession, a housing market collapse, high unemployment, growing concerns about illegal immigration, worries about further erosion of the 2nd Amendment by a Democrat president and congress, and concerns that the newly elected Democrat President would not take foreign policy seriously and may subordinate the interests of the United States to the UN. Sounds vaguely familiar doesn’t it? I’m pretty sure the stuff about returning disgruntled vets was added into it because McVeigh was a disgruntled gulf-war vet who went on to commit domestic terrorism.

IMO, WND and its ilk are blowing this way out of proportion and the kook base is eating it up for a victim badge.

I stand by this. There’s no there there. Assuming its not a fake, it’s biggest sin is being badly written and overuse of the term “right-wing extremism”.