
John Oliver Explains Net Neutrality Like You've Never Seen It Explained Before

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)6/04/2014 10:05:36 am PDT

Really, this Bergdahl stuff is turning my stomach. Not since Terri Schiavo have I seen this amount of ghoulishness and bizarre obsessions and idiotic speculation. The media’s response—mirrored here by Killgore—is to paw through this guy’s history in an atavistic way, as though this guy is the one who screwed up the whole War on Terror, as though he’s the reason why other soldiers died. It reminds me nothing more than misplaced guilt from people whose policies led us sending wave after wave of young men and women out into harm’s way, people who want to avoid their own culpability for the war that we’ve been fighting for more than a decade now.