
Yet Another Deluge of Racist Hatred and Calls for Genocide at

SanFranciscoZionist4/05/2012 2:36:06 pm PDT

re: #21 gummitch

Look at the dozens of attacks of savages on whites JUST SINCE Martin was shot. And not a word of it in the media, no whites protesting, no threats to stop it….

This from the original thread (sorry, Newter friends).

So if there has been no word in the media, how does this bozo know the attacks happened? Should I be monitoring Stormfront and WND for lists of the thousands of whites are being beaten and slaughtered and raped by these savages every year.

It is known, as the Dothraki say.

Had a really hilarious encounter with a guy at RawStory. He posted, feverishly, a link to a story that he described as being about two black men beating two white men with hammers—and, just to show us libs, one of the victims was a ‘white Hispanic’, and the other was Jewish. This proved something about Trayvon Martin, I’m not sure what.

Problem was that, upon arriving at his link, you couldn’t help noting that there was only one victim, whose name and race was not being released, and the ‘Hispanic’ and ‘Jewish’ names he’d noted were those of the perps, who, as I pointed out to him, had also been arrested for their crime, which was all anyone was actually asking for in the Martin case.

This is the problem with these guys. They frame this as an argument about who is the ‘good race’ and who is the ‘bad race’, and seem indifferent to any suggestion that the actual discussion is about law enforcement.