
Why I'm Voting Against Mitt Romney

The Spite House11/03/2012 7:13:19 pm PDT

re: #28 Gus

Why I’m not voting for Mitt Romney.

1. Will nominate conservative judges. Most concerning being SCOTUS.
2. Wants to overturn Roe v. Wade.
3. Wants to defund Planned Parenthood.
4. Wants to overturn Title X.
5. Wants a amndt. defining marriage as between a man and woman.
6. Would enforces/strengthen DOMA.
7. Wants a bloated military.
8. A return to the Mexico City Policy.
9. A return of abstinence only education.
10. Creationist friendly education policies.
11. Social conservatives in the White House.
12. Makes not even a consideration for AGW.
13. Bad for science, stem cell research, etc.
14. Bad for CAFE standards.

I can keep going.

In his defense, you can’t know for sure that he won’t do the opposite of all things. He has promised that at one point or another also, no? ;)