
The Sad Tale of the Milo Yiannopoulos Blue Checkmark Tantrum

Birth Control Works1/12/2016 6:30:51 am PST
Militants in Oregon hijack government bulldozer to take down fence at occupied refuge
On Monday, the armed group occupying the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge near Burns, Oregon, hijacked a federal Wildcat excavator and ripped out an 80-foot section of fence separating the public birding refuge from a private cattle ranch. “I feel like this is the first step of many in restoring ranchers’ rights,” group leader Ammon Bundy told reporters and the two dozen or so people occupying the nature preserve with him. He said the tearing down of the barbed wire will allow cattle from the Puckett family ranch to graze in the refuge.

yup, these people need to learn what century it is. We need the birds a hell of a lot more than we need humans right now.