
Ace Beclowns Himself

HoosierHoops11/20/2009 7:53:55 pm PST

re: #280 Dark_Falcon

I take my hat off to you and your’s, Hoops. I’ve never wanted anything that badly, nor worked that hard in my whole life.

I’m going to tell you something…During the Atlanta Olympics..The torch came across our road at 5am in Napa valley.. I was there..Coffee in hand.. Right at soscal street at 5am with a hundred cop cars on 3rd street early in the morning..I stood there with my coffee in hand with tears in my eyes..
Silently a runner came running by…It took a half an hour…I saw her coming…
Very slowly …I have never been so moved…I am never been so proud in my life…She paced the foot at a time..with the torch…Slowly
Just as the Sun was glowing in Napa at 5am…I had tears in my eyes..I have never experienced anything like it it my my life