
Kellyanne Conway Begs for Money Because Trump Won't Pay Her Salary

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam1/02/2017 10:31:49 pm PST

re: #233 austin_blue

I agree with you, and hope that the polity will agree with you.

My fear is that the hard right will dismantle everything that has been done in the last eight years, supported by the newly ascendant Alt-Reich that has been emboldened by this election.

I’ll wait and see what this Kakistocracy does. I don’t have any illusions of what they are capable of doing.

I am not saying we have nothing to worry about. The RWNJs now in power will do their damnedest to dismantle every halfway progressive advancement we’ve made since 1933, or perhaps even 1860. We will need to fight them tooth and nail every step of the way, but that’s the thing. We *are* able to fight them, in public, on the Internet, in the media. Until and unless they start trying to subvert the First Amendment, we can put up a fight. The Dems are weak, but still extant, and we may yet see some Democrat grow a backbone and become a potential presidential candidate for 2020.

Getting hysterical about imminent autocracy is the wrong approach. We have every right to be worried, but the correct approach, AFAIK, is to be cool and methodical in our opposition. Mock Trump, expose the GOP hypocrisy, watch for corruption and illegality and expose it, support progressive organizations. The Right has been gradual in its subversion of the two-party state, but not completely successful. We need to be as determined as they to take back what we believe is the True America. Considering a majority of the voters chose Hillary Clinton over the Orange Yam, our position is not weak at all.

It is too soon to give into despair.