
FBI Extremist Probe and Veterans

Danny Isn't Here Mrs Torrence4/17/2009 11:09:52 am PDT

The whole thing boils down to this: there are way more non-extremist veterans and “rightwing” people who oppose abortion, illegal immigration, gun control, and federal infringement on states’ rights than there are extremist “rightwing” people who harbor the same sentiments. The DHS knows this and could have been much more precise with their language in the report. Even Napolitano half-assed acknowledges this. When you associate honest a huge group of law-abiding people with a tiny group of offensive idiots, even if only tangentially, you’re asking for trouble. The fact that the assessment wasn’t intended for the press or general public doesn’t matter. I know law enforcement professionals who are as offended by the language in the assessment as anyone. I’m not sure if there was political bias involved with it or not, but it looks to me like it’s way too early to say, and lots of people much smarter than I think there is.