
The NRA Publishes Its Enemies List

Birth Control Works1/28/2013 8:36:28 pm PST

re: #334 alpuz

Eh. Here in Wisconsin, after the concealed carry law was passed the local NRA put out a list of businesses to boycott. Apparently local bar owners and hospitals didn’t want people packin’ in their establishments.

Anywho, on the list were all the major clinics and hospitals in at least a 70 mile radius of my hometown.

So, If one of the NRA loving, 2nd amendment rights folks shot themselves in the foot, I guess only they, with their bootstraps would be able to sew them up.

Just thinking, if the NRA is really concerned about crime and doesn’t think that lists of gun owners should be published, why would you publish a list of places and companies that are in favor of gun-control.

One might think those establishments are gun-free zones and therefore an easy target for criminals.