
Sunday Night Jam: Ghost-Note, "Ja-Make-Ya Dance"

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines12/03/2018 10:21:03 am PST

Protesters disrupt United Daughters of the Confederacy meeting

Carrying signs with messages like “white power convention” and “UDC: KKK Ladies Auxiliary,” a handful of women from the group Hillsborough Progressives Taking Action protested the Daughters from the sidewalk.


Almost a dozen members of the Daughters’ partner organization, the Sons of Confederate Veterans, created a perimeter around the house to support the women. They corresponded with one another on walkie talkies and, on a couple of occasions, spoke with aggression.

“They’re like pests in a house,” one of the Sons said loudly to his fellow members. “They need exterminating.”