
Saturday Night Short Film:Town of Ghosts

Lidane11/11/2012 9:48:44 am PST


Tancredo: Identity Politics Triumph (Google cache link)

Welcome to the U.E.S.A., the United European States of America. If you like the European debt crisis and austerity riots, you are going to love Obama 2.0. If our politics were a video game, it would be rated “R” for repugnant.

It is hard to exaggerate the depth of the crisis America now faces on many levels. The Democratic Party is now officially and irrevocably committed to a poisonous identity politics, having built a winning coalition based on race, sexual orientation, ethnicity and class warfare.

What’s worse, the beltway gurus who pass for Republican leadership appear to want the Republican Party to travel that same road.

So, yes, there are many reasons to be not only disheartened but alarmed by the election results and what they say about our culture and the health of our institutions. Yet, despair is not an acceptable response to adversity. Whether the nation can survive four more years of Obama’s policies is an open question, but it will certainly not survive if patriots desert the field of battle.