
New From Keith Olbermann: Why Trump Is Refusing to Confront Reality

steve_davis3/04/2017 6:53:03 am PST

re: #112 RinaX

One point, Jeffrey Dahmer wasn’t executed, he was beaten to death in prison.

it’s not that simple. most atheists actually have kind of cartoonish ideas about what religious people, as a whole, believe. The Catholic church for instance got its fingers burned so badly with its stubborn insistence on an Aristotelian universe that it’s ended up being extremely open to modern science. As long as evolution doesn’t interfere with the belief that human beings are spiritual creatures with a unique connection to God, they’e fine with it. The cartoonish elements of Christianity are mostly those held by various unorthodox, evangelical clans, who can’t grasp simple shit, like how it is that Cain was sent off to marry someone who was never otherwise mentioned in the Bible. “Daddy,” you may ask, “if the Bible is literal, and if the only people in the world at the time were Adam, Eve, and their kids, who the fuck did Cain go off to marry?” And if you are an evangelical of some sort or another, or a fundamentalist, there’s no good answer to that. If, though, your Dad were MY Dad, a retired Anglican priest, he’d chuckle and tell you how no thougtful Anglican/Episcopalian/Catholic/Methodist has been a literalist in the past 200 years or so, and that fundamentalists are mostly useful idiots who are committing all kinds of heresy while being blithely unaware of it.