
Video: Colbert on Trump's Budding Bromance With Kim Jong Un

BeachDem6/19/2018 5:35:32 pm PDT

And if there weren’t already enough reasons to hate Americans for Prosperity and the Koch brothers, there’s this:

In cities and counties across the country — including Little Rock, Ark.; Phoenix, Ariz.; southeast Michigan; central Utah; and here in Tennessee — the Koch brothers are fueling a fight against public transit, an offshoot of their longstanding national crusade for lower taxes and smaller government.

And this has to be one of the most mind-bogglingly idiotic statements ever:

Public transit, Americans for Prosperity says, goes against the liberties that Americans hold dear. “If someone has the freedom to go where they want, do what they want,” Ms. Venable said, “they’re not going to choose public transit.”

Yeah, there’s nothing more “freedomy” than denying the only form of transportation many (mostly poor) people can use to get anywhere. What an utter crock of shit.

Of course there’s this…

The Kochs’ opposition to transit spending stems from their longstanding free-market, libertarian philosophy. It also dovetails with their financial interests, which benefit from automobiles and highways.

One of the mainstay companies of Koch Industries, the Kochs’ conglomerate, is a major producer of gasoline and asphalt, and also makes seatbelts, tires and other automotive parts. Even as Americans for Prosperity opposes public investment in transit, it supports spending tax money on highways and roads.

As I’ve mentioned before, I work almost exclusively with public transit companies all over the country and I know what transit means as a lifeline to people. I truly hate those motherfucking assholes with every bone in my body.